Sunday, March 20, 2016

Good Morning? A reality check on the Next Day on Earth

Thank you Jesus for another day! This is a constantly reality check so-to-speak prayer.
It is extremely important and vital that we thank the Lord for each day in spite of what hits us.

Today, I was reminded of this exact point from a bus driver. He reminded me that we are to thank Jesus not just throughout the day, but right when we first wake up!

There are a lot of people that didn't wake up this morning and you could be next. Not to scare you, but the reality is that you need to look at each day as a precious Gift from a good God (Jesus Christ). He loves you more than I do and he is your alarm clock even at 3am!

So no matter how many hours of sleep you get, (I get seven) he wants to talk and commuin with your heart and spirit!

So, don't wait for tomorrow, for our days on earth are nothing but a breath because they come and go!

Love and blessings!

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